Thursday, April 18, 2013

Exit Interview from FT (re-posted from my old blog)

*Note: This interview was done a while ago, but I was against releasing it because I felt that the events about ten months ago. In any case it was done by a friend online, who does not wish to be named - although I'll reveal his/her name if that person wants it done. Thanks for the help mate! :) *

Q: With many issues hanging around, you resignation from one of Blueserver's regulatory bodies comes as a shock. Can you disclose the reasons as to why you chose to resign?

D: The reason behind my decision is simply one made out of honor. I made a promise when I first decided to retake up a role within the Blueserver Administration, and that was to do the best for the community. At that point in time, I felt that the consensus did not agree to such a view, plus my view was not getting heard, so I had to honor my promise.

Q: Are you saying that you failed the users in what you have done?

D: If you were to look at that one fine point in the big picture, then yes, I did fail the people in that sense. I would like to emphasize though, that when it comes to work, be it my time in Blueserver, or in other matters in life, I would always put my best in to make things work. Naturally in community not everyone will agree with your views, which makes the working environment a challenging one...

Q: You mentioned that "you would put your best to make things work", yet some would argue that some of the initiatives launched by your team has been failures - notably the freedom of speech and enforcing of the Forum Code of Conduct...

D: It's always dangerous territory when you assume the role of a moderator in a forum that occasionally comes up with messages of the questionable sort. It may be the message itself, or the way the message is expressed, but in any case I do admit that mistakes may have been made in the past - though what I believe that as a team, we have exercised our powers to moderate to the fairest that we could; after all, there are certain internal guidelines that strictly regulate the use of such powers in place.

Q: What about the new batch? Many say that it is the first batch of moderators that turned out to be the best, after that it went downhill. Do you agree with that statement?

D: I do not deny that the first batch, which brought in a wealth of not only talented, but committed individuals rank among the finest that I have worked with, aside from the first generation of moderators (that included myself), that went on to lead in important components of the Blueserver mechanism. That said, credit and respect are definitely due to those who came in after - for moderation of forums has no hard rule to it - the challenges change and come in different forms, so for the new batches to be able to hold their own against these, I definitely hold them in high regard.

Q: It is put forward by many that your choice of moderators for handling certain issues is poor. Is it because they lack the vision, or is it simply because you have poor man management skills?

D: As a leader of a dynamic set of people, trust would always be something that you would have to handle delicately, because the fact that we are moderators would definitely put us in the spotlight when it comes to decision making. People will definitely scrutinize your actions, especially as you are part of authority. I believe that trust and respect are two things that should be earned, not given, and because of this there are rather strict recruitment policies put in - we never set a target number to recruit, as we only choose the best, and most suitable. It is not possible for one person to manage everything, so delegating tasks, as you say, is important - what I can say is that whoever we task to handle different jobs are given the full blessings of all their fellow moderators, not only myself, or any of the seniors.

Q: It may be a distasteful thing to discuss, but it seems many disagree with your choice of Scholomance as your successor (Head of Forums) in the Forum Team. May we know why you decided to choose him over the others?

D: I agree that it is not a particularly pleasing topic to discuss, however that said every person has to have an exit strategy. Having monitored his progress over the previous months of work and all, I believed that he possessed the necessary capabilities and qualities to excel in his newly elected role. The fact is that the seniors decided that he was most capable, and we elected him based on that - anything he was to do after that was solely his (and those who decided to retain their positions) responsibility.

Q: Shouldn't you be held accountable should he fail in any of his future undertakings? Let's say if the Forum Team collapses under his management...

D: If you are talking about what happens in the future, then yes, I deny responsibility. As the outgoing Head of Forums, my last request was simply to elect the best replacement for my role, whether the replacement does his or her job, is not within my control. How can one justify it being my responsibility?

Q: Going back to the main issue involved, do you believe a take over by SMM will materialize?

D: I do not believe that I am at liberty to discuss such matters.

Q: Then why was it that you resigned after a meeting held to resolve such a matter?

D: What happened that night will remain behind closed doors. As I answered earlier, it was made out of honor - I resigned as I considered myself a failure in keeping up with my promise to do the best for the community, and that someone who was more capable should take over. I strongly reject the notion that it was some sort of protest vote - I would never resign for a selfish purpose that benefits either myself, or my team, despite burdening others.

Q: How do you see the server progressing beyond these times?

D: I believe that, with capable leadership and vision, it can go far. However, effort and user-relations are very important, even if one has the ideas and knowledge to bring about great improvements, one still has to remember that a gaming server cannot survive without it's userbase, nor can it survive without any effort put in to ensure that whatever projects started are seen to the end.

Q: Although something not mentioned in public, it seems that during your time, the Forum Team developed a rivalry with its sister team, the Server Team. What is your comment on that issue?

D: The fact is that under the current system ensures that each team has no power in the other's roles. However it does not guarantee that either team is free from external influences. All I can say here is that as moderators and banlist checkers, most of us are taking the role of a judge - so our decisions, be it actions, verdicts, or statements will be put under a lot of scrutiny by the public. I don't deny that occasionally things can get pretty heated up, but I believe that open conflict is only counterproductive in the long run.

Q: So with the changing of guard, can we expect better relations between the two teams?

D: That is up to whoever who takes control of the top posts in Blueserver, and how you define "relations" in your case. There has to be some sort of measurement before one can compare things, no?

Q: We have seen the fracas where a moderator went around indirectly attacking the Server Team, from your team, just moments after the resignation. Now can you explain that?

D: Although tensions were high during that particular point in time, and people may have been angry, it has to be understood that different people have different views on certain issues. I don't deny that what that moderator has done is wrong, but I would consider that to be an isolated case in the history of Forum Team and Server Team relations.

Q: More importantly, we have touched on most issues except one that has to do with the proprietor of the whole organization, as you put it. How do you feel about Megablue, and his role in the big picture, especially after you leave the server behind?

D: Megablue is a brilliant person with a talent in programming. I believe he has the capability to visualize groundbreaking ideas within the server - he has proven so with initiatives such as anti-hacks, an automated server wide ban system, and such. That said, the only quality I do not agree with in him is that he rarely engages in discussions where it is needed. I believe many of today's unresolved problems would have been solved had there been proper discussions between the different sectors of Blueserver and it's owner. At this point it is like a spiderweb with a hole in the middle. As for the second part of your question, I still believe that he is capable of building on a successful server and realizing his visions of owning the biggest PvPGN around, but he will need to listen to trusted advice and be mature enough to admit where he has failed, and improve on his shortcomings.
Q: Any last messages for your friends, moderators and people who you will leave behind in Blueserver?

D: I believe that we should do what we believe is right, rather than become "yes men". To put things in a more direct manner, my resignation from the Forum Team should not cause a mass resignation, as a I believe that this would be the wrong way to handle things. Take it as a new beginning to things. To my friends and fellow moderators, thank you for the experience and the times shared. May our paths cross sometime soon in life.

Q: Thank you for your time, Denster.

D: You're welcome. Thank for your time too.
There are a number of reasons as to why I put this out:
1. I admit my resignation was done in under very mysterious circumstances, and I believe the public, however late, deserve to know what happened (to the extent possible), and what my views on certain issues are.
2. I always placed discussions and exchanging of views high up in the priority list while serving in the Forum Team - this is simply one way of myself expressing my views, so that my fellow moderator, or ex-colleagues can understand.
3. To not waste my friend's (who wasted his/her time interviewing me) effort and time. Thank you very much for being patient with me during that trying time.



Anonymous said...

who is the one who interview u lol? from blueserver too?

Denster said...

Until the person tells me that I can reveal his/her identity, I can't tell you who he/she is. :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Lol Denster, sup! Yeah, don't take the blame for people who screw up after you, not your problem. Greetings from an ex GM :)

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